Haven 45
1131 EP Volendam
Yesterday, Verpact presented the results achieved in the field of packaging recycling and circularity for 2023. In 2023, Verpact significantly exceeded both Dutch and European targets with its recycling and circular efforts for packaging. This achievement is due to the collaboration of all links in the chain, from consumer to producer. Together with Belgium, the Netherlands has managed to maintain its position as a leader in Europe. This result stems from clear agreements and an increasingly well-organized recycling chain for packaging, in which all involved parties work closely together. In 2023, 75% of all packaging was recycled, and an impressive 88% was recycled and circularly reused.
Collection results for plastic bottles and containers
The collection rate for plastic bottles increased from 68% in 2022 to 74% in 2023. Compared to other European countries with a deposit system, the Netherlands shows a rapid rise that inspires confidence. To achieve the legal target of 90% for plastic bottles, Verpact continues to push for the expansion of collection points and to convince consumers of the importance of returning deposit packaging.
Plastic recycling
The Netherlands is already nearly fully circular regarding glass, metal, paper, and cardboard. Important steps are also being taken in the collection and recycling chain of PMD (Plastic, Metal, and Drink cartons) to improve the quality of collection, recycling, the use of recyclates, and the production of easily recyclable packaging. The recycling rate for plastic packaging further increased from 46% to 49% in 2023, partly thanks to the introduction of Tariff Differentiation 2.0. However, the increasing contamination of collected material and the influx of cheap plastic from Asia and the U.S. are putting pressure on plastic recycling.
It is encouraging to see that the measures across the chain are bearing fruit. Like Verpact, we, together with our Circular Plastics Alliance partners, remain committed to meeting legal obligations for packaging on a daily basis. Our goal is to further close the packaging loop to preserve valuable raw materials. Through collaboration in the chain with our partners, we are reducing waste and increasing recycling. In this way, we make a difference for the environment and help our partners further reduce their CO2 footprint. Want to learn more about how we do this and with whom? Get in touch with us!
Haven 45
1131 EP Volendam