PETman – the collection module of good cheer
The PETman makes separating PET bottles fun! Surely it is more fun to throw your plastic bottle in a personalised eye-catching giant PET bottle than in an ‘ordinary’ waste bin? With its eye-catching shape, the PETman attracts attention. Place the bin at sports clubs, festivals, amusement parks, campsites, cinemas, schools, etc. Space for approximately 250 0.5-litre PET bottles.
The bin is available in orange, blue, yellow, white and black. With a minimum order of 16 units, other colours are also possible.
Deposit on bottles
Deposits on small plastic bottles were introduced on 1 July 2021. This is a return system where consumers can hand in their PET bottles at collection points, such as petrol stations, catering establishments, sports facilities, etc.
For the PETman, we have a standard wrapper available (see picture). A personalised wrapper is possible from 1 piece. A matching bag can also be ordered.
Brand: PETman
Material: LLDPE
Dimensions: height 1800 mm, diameter 580 mm
Capacity: 210 litres
PETman is available through our distributor.